Thursday, July 24, 2014


Do you get annoyed that someone in your household took your charger and there's not really any way to know which ones who? Tired of the way your charger looks? My husband and I can never tell which one of our Iphone chargers is who, it can be frustrating. I don't want to have to buy another charger because then it'll just be lying around. Instead I want to decorate it! Whooz is vinyl stickers who can put on an Iphone 4, Iphone 5 and Ipad chargers. I had fun decorating mine, the stickers go on there so smoothly and it's very easy to install on there. It came with instructions just so there was no possible way for me to get it wrong. Everything comes as a complete sticker set. The same theme for even your earbuds! I received the heroes pack because I am a superhero fan. My superhero is called Lorelei!

Isn't she pretty??

They also have many other cool themes for the family! It comes with four different characters, one for each family member to personalize. I'm sure everyone will enjoy it, I know we do. Here is the  other themes they have.

Here is their site! visit them and see all the cool stuff they have for iphone chargers and ipad.

Click here to visit their website!

Obsessed With Puffs??

A lot of people always wonder why my daughter does so well in the car? She doesn't cry much on our current one - two hour drives from Lancaster County to Montgomery County. Could it be while I was pregnant all I did was drive? When she was a newborn sometimes driving would just put her to sleep. Or could it be that I make sure she has a few things to occupy her ? It could be all of those! I know one major thing that has helped me out with our car rides are Gerbers Graduate Puffs!

My daughter is in love with these! If she sees them hiding in my purse she will just crawl her butt to get them. I'm lucky she doesn't know how to open it yet! If we are out in public and she's still hungry or fussy after being fed these things save that moment. They put a smile to her heart and belly. I always worry about her getting hungry while I'm driving and that's why I give her these to snack on. It keeps her nice and quiet for our car rides. I keep them in a spill proof snack cup for her and those two together work out quite well!